Hey! Welcome to my page, I'm so happy you're here...
I'm Frankie, I am a working mum, I have 2 wonderful children, Henry 12 and Isla 9. I would describe myself as quite spiritual and I really believe we can have whatever we set our minds to.
I am a 2 x certified Hypnobirthing Practitioner with a keen interest in all things pregnancy and birth.
I would love to be part of your journey into welcoming your 1st, 2nd or even 6th child with ease!
My expertise really lies with helping women alleviate their anxiety's around pregnancy and birth. I have a wide knowledge in the 4 trimesters of pregnancy and most importantly I have been there and done it!
I first came across Hypnobirthing in my second pregnancy and I am extremely grateful for the Midwife that suggested I research this route. Hypnobirthing changed my complete outlook on birth. I went from terrified after watching 'One Born Every Minute' to Serene and calm and having absolute trust in my body and my ability to have the birth I desire. I still can't believe I did it!
Pregnancy with my first child was first child was idyllic but I was extremely nervous about the birth. I was young and uninformed, my only perception of birth was what I saw in the media and the horror stories I'd heard. (we’ve all been there right!)
My labour started slow and progressed slowly, as soon as I'd got to 4cm I had an epidural as I was so set on the fact I didn’t want to feel any pain. By this point I had already had pethidine also. After a few hours progression slowed and I was placed on a drip of synthetic Oxytocin (syntocinon) to try speeds things up. This sequence of events ended in many, many interventions, ‘Failure to Progress’ and an ‘Emergency Caesarian’. Fancy telling a mother they have ‘failed’ to progress’ - not the best start to parenting life….
My baby boy was born and was safe and I was exhausted but grateful.
Unfortunately I did really struggle after this with my mental health, I felt an enormous amount of guilt and disappointment in myself and now looking back I can see how much differently I could have approached this but I was young and really uninformed. I just wish I knew then what I know now.
Let’s cut to my second pregnancy…I absolutely knew I wanted a vaginal birth with my second, I just had no idea how I was going to achieve this, I had lost faith in my body the first time and felt disheartened but so wanted to experience a positive birth. I was classed as slightly higher risk as I was aiming for VBAC (Vaginal Birth after Caesarian) My midwife suggested I try a Hypnobirthing class and it really was the best move I had made. I was so excited to embark on a little project of my own that meant I could achieve the birth I so desired. I immersed myself fully in the process….
When I had a checkup at 36 weeks I was told my baby was breech (not in my plan!) however I followed all of my training and tips I had learnt and thankfully after having total trust in my body my baby had turned on her own before 40 weeks. At 40+7 my waters broke in bed around 5am, I strolled around my house completely calm until the midwives asked us to come in for a checkup. At around 12 midday we went back home so I could labour in the comfort of my own home. I laboured in the bath, breathing and listening to my body, calming music and candles all around. At around 2.45pm we headed to hospital (after a bit of protesting from me!) the birth suite were ready for us already running the birthing pool! However, my daughter had other ideas and we didn’t quite make it into the tub! She was born at 3.49pm in 3 big pushes. It all happened a bit fast and seemed to panic the midwives a bit, she nearly came in the hallway!
I absolutely love sharing this positive birth story, not to gloat though, I very much want you to experience the euphoria that childbirth can bring, the intense connection you can have to your body. Birthing your baby does not need to be painful or terrifying or fearful, quite the opposite. Your body was created to do this very thing…create and birth life.