Everything we have ever been told about birth since we were young is that it's horrific, messy, agonizing and the most pain you will ever feel in your whole life. Am I wrong? From the soaps our parents used to watch to every single horror story people insist on telling us, we have been well and truly conditioned! We have some work to do in order to undo these beliefs but we absolutely can do it.
When our brain believes that something will be painful and we are anticipating the outcome, the fear and panic creeps in and you best believe that's exactly how it will play out! On the other hand… did you know you have the power to train your brain to stay calm? This is how can we allow the good hormones like Oxytocin and Endorphins to flourish and nurture you through your labour with ease…
Please drop me a message or find me on Instagram if you have any other weird and wonderful questions!
Ahhh the age old question, what the hell is Hypnobirthing?! There are many ways I could answer this one...
Ok so I am a little bit of a modern day spiritualist/hippy whatever you want to call it (minus the tie die!) but I can tell you now this is not some hippy dippy course that will have you birthing under tree in the woods with not so much as a whisper...unless that's what you want of course!
This is SCIENCE. This is using your body, using your mind to it's absolute best advantage. You were made to do this.
We will learn so many coping techniques, breathing, hypnosis, easy comfortable birthing positions, visualizations, pain relief options and many more.
Once you know the physiology of your body I promise you will feel empowered and much less fearful. You will be excited to tackle birth.
We are going to retrain your mind and thoughts, we're going to unlearn all the negative stuff you have been told about birth and we're going to replace this positive, uplifting beliefs.
The science part? That's where we talk about the power of your mind and how you can control it and work with it, not against it. Hypnosis is so influential here and we will use it to get you in a relaxed state where your subconscious mind can do all the work!
Ultimately this is completely up to you but I would recommend we start at around 20 weeks. This is the perfect time to get practicing for your birth with enough time to make and amend your decisions if you wish, but also enough time to practice all the new techniques you have learned!
I find that spreading the sessions out with 2 week intervals will really maximize the time we have together over the duration of your pregnancy. I want to ensure this is completely unrushed so that you get every ounce of information you can from the course.
So much goodness! After we have had our initial meet on the phone or over email, I'd really love to have a detailed conversation of what you would like to gain form the course and how I can assist you. I really love to be able to tailor the course to suit you and your requirements. This may be talking through any fears or doubts, and obstacles you might be coming up against or any past trauma that you could be holding on to.
Our sessions will last around 3 hours each and this is totally flexible, if we cant quite squeeze in all the information then we can add more sessions at no extra cost. Equally if we have spare time we can fill the time up with some beautiful relaxations.
At the start of each course with me you'll have a stunning Hypnobirthing Workbook, relaxation Hypnosis MP3's, and a goody bag of littles gift from me.
In the sessions we will cover a huge range of topics (more of this on the courses page) but ultimately I want this to be a safe space where you come away feeling calm and confident in yourself. I will give you all the tools you need to be able to unlearn all the negativity you have been conditioned with.
The sessions are engaging and interactive but also fun and filled with little tasks for you and your birth partner.
Towards the end of the sessions we will devise a birth plan together, something easy to understand, not pages long but encompassing your needs and requirements beautifully for you to share with your care givers.
And after all of that I'd love to schedule a little refresher call over zoom when you are approaching the time your baby might make an appearance. This way we can re-cap any areas of interest and give you a little boost right before you meet your baby!
Last but not least, I want to know how your birth went and how your new arrival is doing so please stay in touch!
I do highly, highly recommend you do this with your birth partner. I cannot stress enough that your birth partner will be a huge part of your journey with Hypnobirthing, they have much to learn as do you! Most importantly they will be your advocate and your voice when the time comes to birth your baby. Trust me on this!
If you are unsure of who your birth partner will be then bring along a trusted person in your life in the meantime. And you can absolutely have 2 birth partners joining you on the course, the more the merrier!
OMG YES! I am here to tell you that my Hypnobirthing course is designed to help you achieve the birth YOU want. Nowadays drugs are powerful and often something some of us use in our everyday lives. No one shames us if we take some paracetamol for a headache and your birth should be no different.
We all have different pain thresholds and although I am keen to show you that Hypnobirthing will absolutely enable you to have a much easier birth journey, it is an intense process, of course! So if you want help then that's exactly what we can add to your birth plan. We will even talk about all your options available in each birth setting and their risks and benefits so you have a broad understanding of what is right for you.
For me Hypnobirthing was priceless. Birthing your baby will be such a huge event and a treasured memory you will hold dear to your heart. This is precisely why I believe that for something you will remember forever this is a really worthwhile investment. I know in my experience I still talk about my course 10 years on as one of the best commitments I have ever made to myself.
When choosing the correct Hypnobirthing Course I think it's important you find a teacher you connect with and who is understanding, compassionate and non-judgmental that will leave you feeling like you can tackle anything birth throws at you.